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Responding to Incidents (6523)

Welcome to the Responding to incidents (Respond to incidents, events and emergency situations as a security officer: Unit Standard 6523) online learning module.

This module is for people who work or intend to work as security officers, and covers safety (as distinct from security) of premises and personnel. This often involves first-line responses to incidents, events and emergency situations. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of response to incidents, events and emergencies as a security officer; and describe and demonstrate the role of the security officer during emergency evacuations.

Course Details

Modules for Unit Standards
Last Updated:
Sept 2024
Time to Complete:
60 minutes
Number of Modules:


Responding to incidents

  1. Calling emergency services
  2. Communication with emergency personnel during and emergency
  3. Safe response to incidents
  4. Other emergencies
  5. Other considerations

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