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Communication and Customer Service in the Security Industry (27365 & 27357)

Welcome to the Communication and Customer Service in the Security Industry (Unit Standard 27365 Demonstrate knowledge of customer service in a security context, and Unit Standard 27357 Communicate with people in a security context) online learning module.

This module covers the customer service skills and knowledge required by security personnel. People credited with this unit standard are able to: describe the services and typical users of services provided by security personnel; describe effective relationship with clients in a security context; demonstrate knowledge of the delivery of customer service to clients in a security context; and demonstrate the procedures and requirements for communication, queries, and complaints between security personnel and the client's customers.

Course Details

Modules for Unit Standards
Last Updated:
May 2024
Time to Complete:
60 minutes
Number of Modules:
Module Content:
Narration and voiceover, interactive content, quizzes, video & tables


Communication and Customer Service

  1. Barriers to communication
  2. Illness, alcohol & drugs
  3. Passing on information
  4. Property guarding
  5. Personal guarding
  6. Crowd control
  7. Client relationships
  8. Clients & customers

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