Pipi Learning

Online learning in a post-COVID world: Time to move forward!

September 9th, 2024 - Learning Design Student Engagement - Elizabeth Asbury

As we reflect on the journey we've all undertaken in the world of online education, it's clear that the past few years have been nothing short of extraordinary. When COVID-19 hit, tertiary institutions and in-work learning providers around the globe were thrust into uncharted territory. Almost overnight, educators and trainers had to pivot, transforming their traditional in-person learning environments into online spaces. It was a time of rapid innovation, creativity, and resilience.

The dedication and resourcefulness shown by educators during the pandemic were truly remarkable. You did what needed to be done, and you did it with heart and determination. However, as the dust settles and we begin to navigate our new normal, it's becoming increasingly clear that the landscape of online learning has evolved. Learners’ expectations have shifted, and what was "good enough" during a time of crisis may no longer suffice.

The Evolving Needs of Today's Learners

Learners today are more discerning than ever before. They've experienced the full spectrum of online learning—from the rushed, makeshift solutions of the pandemic to the polished, thoughtfully designed courses that have emerged in the years since. This exposure has raised the bar, and learners now expect more than just a transfer of in-person content to an online format. They crave learning experiences that are engaging, interactive, and relevant to their needs.

But it's not just about the quality of the content; it's also about the way it's delivered. Today’s learners expect flexibility, accessibility, and a learning environment that reflects and respects their diverse backgrounds and experiences. They want to see themselves represented in the content they engage with, and they need to feel that their unique perspectives are valued and included.

In the realm of vocational education, where learners are often balancing work, family, and study, the demand for high-quality, accessible, and inclusive online learning has never been greater. These learners need content that is not only informative but also practical, relatable, and immediately applicable to their work.

Recognising the Shortcomings of 'Good Enough' Online Learning

As we look back on the early days of the pandemic, it's important to acknowledge that many online learning solutions were developed under immense pressure. There was little time to strategise, and the focus was rightly on ensuring that learners could continue their education, no matter the circumstances. However, as we move forward, it’s essential to recognise the limitations of those initial efforts.

'Good enough' online learning often looks like this:

  • Static content: Many early online courses relied heavily on static PDFs, recorded lectures, and text-heavy slides. While these materials provided necessary information, they lacked interactivity and failed to engage learners in meaningful ways.

  • One-size-fits-all approaches: In the rush to move online, some courses were designed with a broad, generic audience in mind, rather than considering the specific needs and contexts of individual learners.

  • Limited accessibility: Accessibility features, such as captions, transcripts, and screen reader compatibility, were often an afterthought, leaving some learners at a disadvantage.

  • Lack of cultural inclusivity: In the scramble to get content online, there was little time to consider whether the material was culturally relevant or inclusive. As a result, some learners may have felt alienated or unseen.

While these solutions were understandable at the time, the needs and expectations of learners have since evolved. Now, more than ever, there is a demand for online learning that is dynamic, inclusive, and deeply engaging.

What Great Online Learning Looks Like with Pipi Learning

At Pipi Learning, we believe that great online learning is built on three key principles: accessibility, inclusion, and engagement. These principles are not just nice-to-haves—they are essential to creating learning experiences that truly resonate with learners and support their success.

  1. Accessibility
    Great online learning is accessible to all learners, regardless of their circumstances. This means ensuring that content is available in multiple formats, including audio, video, and text, and that it is compatible with assistive technologies. It also means designing with flexibility in mind, so that learners can engage with the material at a time and pace that suits them.

  2. Inclusion
    We believe in the adage, "if you can see me, you can be me." Culturally inclusive content reflects the diverse backgrounds and experiences of learners. It’s about using examples, case studies, and scenarios that resonate with learners from all walks of life. It’s about ensuring that everyone feels seen, valued, and included in the learning experience.

  3. Engagement
    Great online learning is not just about transferring knowledge—it’s about creating an experience. This means using a variety of multimedia elements, interactive activities, and real-world applications to keep learners engaged and motivated. It’s about moving beyond passive consumption of information and encouraging active participation and critical thinking.

Breaking Down Barriers: Embracing the Future of Online Learning

For some educational providers, the idea of updating existing content and fully embracing the possibilities of online learning can feel daunting. After all, the initial shift to online learning was no small feat. But at Pipi Learning, we’re here to help you through this transition. We understand that change can be challenging, but we also know that the rewards are well worth the effort.

By partnering with Pipi Learning, you’ll be working with a team that is not only experienced and knowledgeable but also passionate about making online learning accessible, inclusive, and engaging. We’re here to break down the barriers and remove the fear associated with updating your content. We’ll work alongside you to create learning experiences that meet the evolving needs of your learners and set them up for success in their educational and professional journeys.

Together, we can move beyond ‘good enough’ and create online learning that truly makes a difference.

About the Author:

Elizabeth Asbury (PhD, MSc, BSc Hons)

Elizabeth has been working in online learning for so long that the vacant stares and looks of pity from ‘traditional’ educators have become a distant memory. Thanks to the early adopters and revolutionary thinkers who understood that online learning was about equity and accessibility, no longer is mentioning eLearning akin to screaming into the void. Her Ph.D in Psychology, post-doc research, and years of working in tertiary and vocational education certainly helped prepare Elizabeth for the fight to bring the amazing opportunities online learning can offer to the widest possible audience.

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