Pipi Learning

Bite the bullet and go online!

October 1st, 2024 - Training Learning Design - Elizabeth Asbury

The thought of going online can be daunting. It sounds like a lot of hassle and just another thing to worry about. But more and more learners are demanding the flexibility to study at a time that suits them, so it might be time for your organisation to bite the bullet and go for it!

At Pipi, we understand that the more information an organisation has about moving online, the less challenging it will appear. Therefore, we thought it might be a good idea to share our journey with People Potential, an awesome PTE based in Whangarei, who decided to take the leap online.

While People Potential understood the potential benefits of moving into the online space, they also had a list of challenges and considerations that typify the concerns faced by many organisations contemplating a similar move:

  • Knowledge – you don’t know what you don’t know!

  • No technical or online specialist on the team

  • Relationships with students essential

  • Tech-cautious learners and tutors

  • In the middle of re-branding and updating

  • Really specific content ‘look and feel’.

People Potential decided to begin this exciting journey by developing online content for the newly updated New Zealand Certificate of Adult Tertiary Teaching (NZCATT) Level 4. 

Step-by-Step Process: From Concept to Completion

1. Initial Consultation with People Potential

We begin by understanding your vision. In our first meeting with People Potential, we discussed their goals, the audience, and the specific needs of their learners. We explored how the online version of their NZCATT could enhance accessibility while maintaining the course’s integrity. This stage is about listening, asking questions, and ensuring we’re aligned with your educational objectives.

2. Identifying Content and Learning Outcomes

Once we understand the project goals, we collaborate with you to identify the core content and desired learning outcomes for the eLearning modules. For People Potential, this meant distilling the essential knowledge and skills that learners need to gain, ensuring they align with NZQA framework and the values of cultural inclusivity and representation.

3. Gathering Source Materials and Images

Next, we gather all the necessary materials—this includes workbooks, lecture notes, and any multimedia resources that will enrich the learning experience. We also source or create images that reflect the diversity of the learner population, helping students see themselves in the content. For People Potential, this involved curating resources that supported the course’s learning outcomes while representing the people who make People Potential the success it is today.

4. Designing, Developing, and Building the Modules

This is where your vision starts to take shape. Our team of instructional designers and eLearning developers work together to create the modules, ensuring they are engaging, interactive, and culturally responsive. We use the latest eLearning technologies to make learning accessible and inclusive. For People Potential, this involved developing modules that were not only informative but also fostered a sense of community among learners.

5. First Draft Review

Once the modules are built, we present a first draft to you for review. This is your opportunity to see how your course has come to life and provide initial feedback. People Potential was able to review the modules and suggest adjustments to ensure the content met their expectations and the needs of their learners.

6. Responding to Feedback

We take your feedback seriously. After the first review, we action any required changes, additions, and amendments. Our goal is to make sure the final product reflects your vision perfectly. With People Potential, this step ensured that the modules were fine-tuned to address all aspects of the course content and learner engagement.

7. Updated Module Review

Following the initial revisions, we provide an updated version of the modules for a second review. This stage allows you to see how your feedback has been incorporated and confirm that the modules are ready for piloting. 

8. Final Adjustments

Any further feedback from the updated review is actioned to make the necessary final changes. We understand that refining content is a crucial part of the process, and we’re committed to getting it right. For People Potential, this final round of adjustments was key to ensuring that every detail was aligned with their educational objectives.

9. Creating an Evaluation Questionnaire

To ensure that the course meets the needs of your learners, we create an evaluation questionnaire based on the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Framework. This allows us to gather feedback from those who complete the course and make data-driven improvements. For People Potential, the questionnaire was designed to assess both the content and the user experience of the online modules.

10. External Pilot Testing

Before the official launch, we pilot the course with a select group of participants, including subject matter experts (SMEs) from your organisation. This step helps us confirm the content’s effectiveness and the functionality of the online platform. People Potential’s pilot phase provided valuable insights that informed the final adjustments.

11. Analysing Pilot Data

We carefully analyse the data collected during the pilot phase to identify any areas that need improvement. This analysis ensures that the course is not only informative but also engaging and effective for learners. For People Potential, this analysis was instrumental in fine-tuning the final product before release.

12. Hosting

If you don’t currently have your own Learning Management System (LMS) or are in the process of choosing the right LMS for your organisation, Pipi Learning can host the modules for you on our purpose-built Moodle LMS. We manage learner uploads and enrolments, while giving your tutors access to our Moodle so they can review learner progress.

13. Final Release

Once all adjustments are made, the course is ready to be released to your learners. We work with you to ensure a smooth transition from development to delivery, providing support as needed. People Potential’s NZCATT was successfully launched online, expanding their reach and providing flexible learning opportunities for their students.

14. Sharing Evaluation Results

Finally, we help you share the results of your course’s success, whether through a national conference (Kia ora ITENZ!!), relevant publications, or other channels. This not only celebrates your achievement but also contributes to the wider educational community. 

Conclusion: Your Partner in Educational Transformation

The NZCATT eLearning project took six months to complete, with each of the 24 modules comprised of bespoke content, interactions and voiceover. The online course is hosted on the Pipi Learning Moodle LMS, with each specific section subject to ongoing participant evaluation.

At Pipi Learning, we’re more than just a service provider—we’re your partner in transforming education. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in moving to an online or blended learning model, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Our collaboration with People Potential is just one example of how we can help you create a learning experience that’s not only effective, inclusive and representative of all learners, but that’s also pain-free for your organisation. Bite the bullet, contact Pipi today!!

About the Author:

Elizabeth Asbury (PhD, MSc, BSc Hons)

Elizabeth has been working in online learning for so long that the vacant stares and looks of pity from ‘traditional’ educators have become a distant memory. Thanks to the early adopters and revolutionary thinkers who understood that online learning was about equity and accessibility, no longer is mentioning eLearning akin to screaming into the void. Her Ph.D in Psychology, post-doc research, and years of working in tertiary and vocational education certainly helped prepare Elizabeth for the fight to bring the amazing opportunities online learning can offer to the widest possible audience.

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